目前分類:俄羅斯 (34)

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2021. June 15

葉卡捷琳堡 大金口鐘樓  Bolshoy Zlatoust Bell Tower Church

bolshoy zlatoust bell tower church.jpg

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2021. Jan. 28


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【世界第八奇景」克里姆林宮The Kazansky Kremlin /  Московский Кремль





2018. Oct. 25

Historic and architectural complex of the Kazan Kremlin

the kazan kremlin.jpg


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2017. May. 05

彼得保羅主教座堂。Peter and Paul Cathedral 

peter and paul cathedral.jpg

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2017. Apr. 18

救世主大教堂圓頂 Cupolas of the Upper Saviour Cathedral

cupolas of the upper saviour cathedral.jpg

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2017. Jan. 11

彼得霍夫宮 Peterhof

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2016. Nov. 04

Moscow. Cupolas of the cathedrals


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2016. Mar. 04

Tsarskoye Selo. The Catherine Park. The Cameron Gallery 沙皇村。葉卡捷琳娜宮。卡梅隆長廊

tsarskoye selo.jpg

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2016. Feb. 04

The view of the Church of the Three Hierarchs

the view of the church of the three hierarchs.jpg

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2015. Dec. 31

俄羅斯 阿爾漢格爾斯克 Arkhangelsk  ( Архангельск )

the arkhangelsk region.jpg

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2015. Dec. 21

俄羅斯 下諾夫哥羅德

nizhny novgord.jpg

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2015. Dec. 11

阿爾泰邊疆區 Altai

The Altai Mountains at night

the altai mountains at night.jpg

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2015. Dec. 02

摩爾曼斯克 Мурманск Murmansk
View to the pervomaisky districk


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2015. Oct. 20

斯摩棱斯克 Smolensk

smolensk cathedral hill.jpg

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2015. June 22

俄羅斯 Polenov 藝術博物館


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2015. June 18

基日島的鄉村教堂 Kizhi Pogost

kizhi transfiguration church.jpg

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2015. Apr. 28

涅曼 Не́ман

ruins of ragnit castle.jpg

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2015. Mar. 06

烏法 Ufa

mosque cathedral.jpg

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2015. Jan. 19

巴甫洛夫斯克宮 Pavlovsk Palace
Great Throne Room

pavlovsk palace.jpg

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2014. Dec. 21

新西伯利亞 Novosibirsk


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